

(Note: The continent is home to a country of the same name: Crystallos)

A mostly icy landmass, with forestland to the south (on the peninsula) and to the far east, in the lower areas of the Dragontail Range, which stretches from east to west. This continent is the northernmost one. Ice and snow cover the land, ridding it of most life whatsoever. In the mountain range, there are deep caves filled with many rare gemstones. The continent is covered in a thick ice sheet due to the cold climate and short daylight hours. 

Ice dragons and occasionally meagles live here. Ice dragons are one of the only species that is known to tolerate the cold climates of the region, leading it to be the ideal place for them to call home. 

The capital is Ancora. Many towns are scattered around the ice sheet region, and the dragons often build their homes out of the ice. Meagles used to call Crystallos home for half of the year due to the Council of Peace agreement, but now their appearance in the country is rare. They would camp in the forestland region of the continent.